

I added my blog address to my signature so feel free to check it out if you'd like to see pictures of my little one. 

Re: SBMBride406

  • OMG, Justin is ADORABLE! I love his bee costume!

    It's so unbelievable to look at the first picture of him and how far he has come. What an amazing and strong boy he is.

    You have a picture on there from July 3rd, which was Marino's birthday. I always thought Marino was tiny but Justin was so much tinier on that day! He is a true miracle.

    If you don't mind me asking, are you working? I am always curious what moms with very fragile preemies do about childcare. I am sending Marino to an in-home place but I have a medically fragile daycare available to me if that doesn't work out.

    Thank you so much for sharing!


  • Thanks. Although Justin wasn't the earliest baby born at the hospital where I delivered he was the smallest and it's amazing to see how much progress he's made. 

    I've been off work since Justin was born so going on 6 months now.  I know a lot of moms go back to work until their DC is discharged so they can spend time with them at home but emotionally I couldn't do it.  My job has been absolutely amazing and told me to take all the time I need.  Unfortunately I'm going back to work December 1st but they're being really flexible with me and allowing me to return part time so I'll only work 2 days a week in December.  Due to the nature of my job I'll have to go back full time in January but once again they're being flexible and letting me work from home a few days out of the week.  I wasn't comfortable with putting him in daycare so the remaining days will be split between my sister and DH who has Fridays off. 

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