Our friends who encountered IF at the same time as us are now expecting. Although we are very happy for them I still feel a little sad for us. Not to sound bitter but we've been dealing with this longer and we have nothing to show. I am excited to be moving through this adoption process but I can't help but feel jealous and frustrated.
Our friends announced their pregnancy on FB in a cute way. It made me sad that we will never be able to do that or announce to our friends and family over the holidays that we are expecting. It is just different when it comes to adoption because nothing is set in stone until finalization.
Pursing Domestic Infant Adoption through a local agency. In the meantime, our dog is our baby. Bumping from Portland, Oregon.
Re: Feeling a bit sad tonight
(((Hugs)))) I get it. I have been lapped several times....by If friends at that. It sucks.
It is very hard to let go of the way we hoped our lives will go. So many things you look forward to experiencing that are now not part of the plan. I have
Hugs to you.
I love what Laura Bush wrote in her autobiography about her own struggle with infertility...
For some years now, the wedding invitations that h
I know what you are going through. However, announcing your new addition will be the most amazing feeling, trust me. We just went through it after watching all of our friends have multiple children and watching several friends have babies through IVF w
Been on both sides of this one. Choosing my words carefully b/c I don't want to make it sound like I'm minimizing your feelings in any way.
We struggled with infertility. Did not pursue any treatments for personal reasons. 
1/13 Decided to pursue DIA, 4/13 Home study Approved 9/13 Matched!
10/13 DS home with us! 2/14 TPR completed 5/14 ADOPTION IS FINAL!
3/14 Surprise BFP 11/14 DD is here!