I just went in for labs today after a positive test on Saturday. I had an ectopic pregnancy so I was rushed in today. They said my levels are at 70. At 4w2D, I really have no idea what that meansI'm verrrrrry new at this, any insight?
A previous one was, and I lost a tubejust kind of scared we'll get similar results with this one. For what it's worth, I never got to the point where I was tested for HCG levels, before I hemorraged last time
I had my levels drawn each week for 3 weeks after my BFP. The first week my HCG was 80, the second it was 310, and the third week it was 11, 008. It really doesn't matter what the first draw was your doctor wants to make sure that the number is increasing
Re: Freaked Out
Natural m/c: 10/17/11
Me (Katie)
DH (Adam
Married 10/11/12
TTC #1 since 3/12