
**April Showers Check In**

***April Showers Check-In***

Welcome to the April Showers 2013 check-in!!! Check ins are every Monday and Thursday!
This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for April.  If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below (# IVF cycle, where you are in the process, relevant dates, etc.)  Be sure to update along the way!

Your check-in leader for the month is:  Megs3084

Siggy: IMG][/IMG  Just add end brackets to the front & back


QOTD:  In honor of National Infertility Awareness week, are you "out " about IF?  Are you planning on doing anything special for NIAW?


-BootsorHearts (natural cycle)



-Gloves01 IVF #3



-ecarabeo217 IVF#2.5 ((hugs))
-Auntlolo FET#1((hugs))
-madisonbags IVF#1 ((hugs))

April Angels:


-megs3084 ((hugs)) cycling in June?
-amb2013 FET ((hugs))
-ball.and.chain ((hugs))
-katie_71208((hugs)) -heath04angel IVF#1 ((hugs))
-PhillyJ33 converted to IUI ((hugs))
-HappyWifeMrsK IVF#2 ((hugs))
-vegasbound0606 FET((hugs))
-KRoseToes IVF #2((hugs))

Natural Cycle

In the 2WW:  

-chucktgirl IVF#4 Beta 4/18
-Katka512 IVF#1 Beta 4/22
-Moonaggie -DE fresh transfer Beta 4/25
-kc91181 Beta 4/26
-J&D2007 IVF#3

Between ER/ET:

-Allisen86 IVF#1
-jzab24 IVF#1
-golfrgal IVF#1.3
-MJ14323  IVF#1



-Lenox1975 IVF #1
-whoberry IVF#1
-Kathy4678 IVF#2
-Lacyj67 IVF#3
-cupcake201 IVF#1.3 
-KariAnnM 23 IVF#1
-Metalena00 IVF #1

Prep (BCP/Lupron/EPP):
-megs3084 IVF#3
-JourneytoJoy07 FET
-rlk2 FET
-flowerpower3 IVF#2
-ladyrader0227 DE fresh transfer
-ball.and.chain FET
-belgirl IVF#1
-Andy71781 FET

Waiting to Start Cycle:
-Nursecheryl81 FET#2


-Nursecheryl81 FET#2
-Future Mrs Thayer
-Andy71781 FET
"Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
Me:29 DH:29  TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues 
Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN
8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F. 
ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. No frosties. BFN
IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.  
DX: High NK cells, cytokines, DHEAs& PAI1;  hypothyroid, +APA, restricted bloodflow
7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle
(plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim)
ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts.  SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!!  1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
11/11: TEAM PURPLE!!!!!
3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection

Here Comes the Sun Blog
PAIF/SAIF welcome!

Re: **April Showers Check In**

  • RoeniRoeni member

    I finally got a negative hcg Friday. Hoping AF will come this week. It will be six weeks since D&C this Friday 

    i am open about doing ivf but really only tell my close friends. I have a great group of women and we are very open with each

  • Our followup with Dr. Kwak-Kim has now turned into delaying our cycle till July.  She found some issues she needs more time to fix.  It turns out I have a tendency towards blood clots (not a clotting disorder though-high PAI-1 level) as well

    "Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
    Me:29 DH:29  TTC since 1/11 Dx: unexplained IF/early DOR/immune issues 
    Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN
    8/30IVF#1 Antagonist protocol- ER 9/11-8R, 7M, 5F. 
    ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. 1 10cell Grade 4, 1 8cell Grade 4. No frosties. BFN
    IVF#2 Antagonist protocol plus baby aspirin- ER 12/5-16R, 12M, 8F!
    ET 12/10 5dt! 1 fully expanded blast & 1 early blast. No frosties. BFN
    3/13 hysteroscopy & polypectomy, Consulted w Dr. Kwak-Kim.  
    DX: High NK cells, cytokines, DHEAs& PAI1;  hypothyroid, +APA, restricted bloodflow
    7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle
    (plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim)
    ER 7/19 14R, 11M, 9F(4 natural fert, 5 with ICSI)
    ET 5dt 7/24 2 fully expanded blasts.  SURPRISE 3 FROSTIES!!!
    Beta #1 8/2 335!!!! Beta #2 829!!!  1st u/s 8/14 showed TWINS!!!!!
    11/11: TEAM PURPLE!!!!!
    3/21/14-L&W born at 37w via csection

    Here Comes the Sun Blog
    PAIF/SAIF welcome!
  • Loading the player...
  • Beta was today! But I'm waiting until after work to listen to the results. I can hardly focus!

    Only my and Dh's parents know about our IF and not many details. I wish I could do more to make others more aware, but I'm just not at that point y
    TTC since December 2011
    Me: 29 ovulatory disorder
    DH: 30 MFI - low everything

    IUI #1: 11/5/12 BFN
    December IUI cancelled due to cyst
    IUI #2: 1/8/13 BFN

    IVF in April 2013 transferred one beautiful blast on 4/13
    Beta #1 4/22: BFP!! 33 Beta #2 54 Beta #3 70 Beta #4 83 Beta #5 105. Possible ectopic, MTX and M/C 5w4d

    FET 6/21 - Beta #1: 79 BFP!! Beta #2: 253 U/S 7/12: saw the sac! U/S #2 7/19 great heartbeat of 127!! U/S #3 heartbeat of 154! U/S #4 graduated to OB

    EDD 3/9/14


  • I'm completly devastated.  Our 2 embryos aren't dividing as they should so our IVF Coordinator said it's about 99.9% chance they won't make it to day 5 or 6 for freezing.  I'm at a loss. I had a mini breakdown at work this morning by myself but


    TTC since Nov 2010 | Me: 29, DH: 31 
    DX - Severe DOR, Stage II Endo
    6 rounds medicated TI, 3 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVFs
    After nearly 4 years of trying, our 1st BFP on IVF #3 (5R, 3M, 3F, 3 day 5 blasts frozen) 
    FET - Beta #1 - 116, Beta #2 - 266!! 1st U/S on 10/6 - HB 121 and measuring perfectly! EDD 5/30/15

    Everyone Welcome
    Baseball, Beagles, Beer and Babies Blog


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm in the 2ww, I'm not sure what day I am post ovulation. Maybe you ladies can help me, I triggered Thursday evening of last week. Beta may 2.
    QOTD: Its not a secret with me but DH is pretty tight lipped about it. Our families and close friends kno
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • looks like i am out of april showers. i had my baseline today for FET.

     good luck to everyone!

  • {{{hugs}}}} to you MJ...So sorry for your bad news.  :(

    I had my ER yesterday and just working on resting and recovering.  Lots of nausea and vomiting, and gained about 3 lbs. in my abdomen.  I got two bags of fluid yesterday, so I

    TTC #1 since November 2011
    Me 32, DH 32
    Dx: Unexplained IF
    RE consult October 2012 
    Clomid and IUI Nov 2012-March 2013 BFNs
    IVF#1 on CD10! April 2013 - ER (27 retrieved, 19 fertilized) 4/21 - ET cancelled due to OHSS. 10 frosties 
    FET#1 w/ one blast May 2013-BFN
    FET #2 w/ one blast July 2013-BFP!!! Beta 9dp5dt: 129 Beta 13dp5dt: 867 Beta 20dp5dt: 13621 Beta 27dp5dt: 53341 U/S #1: 7/31 heartbeat 127 measuring right on time EDD March 20th, 2014
    IAmPregnant Tickerimage
  • No update!

    QOTD- I have told my mom and a few close friends (and a very few people at work since I leave often for appointments). DH has told no one! I don't plan on posting anything on FB. I am not ashamed of it but I don't post much on there

    Me 36/DH 46 Me: Low AMH (.21) DOR, mild endo; Started seeing RE 11/12
    Jan-March '13 3 IUIs Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    April '13 IVF 1 MDLF converted to 4th IUI due to 3 runaway follicles! BFN
    July/Aug '13 IVF 1.2 Long Lupron = 7R, 6F, 2T= BFP!!!
    Beta 1=512, Beta 2=1,368 Beta 3= 4,128
    It's a boy!!!!
    SUA, GD
    EDD 4/26/14

    He's Here! Arrived 4/15/14!!!!

    September 2015 - FET with remaining embryos
    Twins! EDD: 6/14/15

    PAIF/SAIF Everyone welcome!
  • I had my second monitoring appt today and have 2 16s, a 14, 12 and 11. Hoping a few more pop up by my next appt. E2 was 665. Still waiting on a call from the nurse with instructions but I'm assuming I will stay on the same amount of stims and go back in a

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

    TTC#1 since 4/11 : m/c in 9/11 & 11/11
    DH dx with Balanced Translocation 5/12 
    Did 3 IVFs - 10/12, 1/13 & 4/13 before
    1 embryo passed PGD and transferred - BFP
    Our beautiful baby girl has arrived!
    S/PAIF Welcome

  • imagemoonaggie:

    Update:  I have taken 2 HPTs (one yesterday and one today) and both have given a faint line so I am cautiously

    TTC #1 since November 2011
    Me 32, DH 32
    Dx: Unexplained IF
    RE consult October 2012 
    Clomid and IUI Nov 2012-March 2013 BFNs
    IVF#1 on CD10! April 2013 - ER (27 retrieved, 19 fertilized) 4/21 - ET cancelled due to OHSS. 10 frosties 
    FET#1 w/ one blast May 2013-BFN
    FET #2 w/ one blast July 2013-BFP!!! Beta 9dp5dt: 129 Beta 13dp5dt: 867 Beta 20dp5dt: 13621 Beta 27dp5dt: 53341 U/S #1: 7/31 heartbeat 127 measuring right on time EDD March 20th, 2014
    IAmPregnant Tickerimage
  • Hi All,

    We had our ER yesterday and got a pretty disappointing Fert report this morning. Of the 9 eggs retrieved, 8 were mature but only 2 fertilized.  We are doing a 3 day transfer on Wednesday.

    I am devastated.  I know it only t

    Me: 37 DH: 37 TTC since Jan 2012. RE consult and initial testing done in Aug 2012: SA fine, AMH 1.1 & HSG clear - on way to IUI but got BFP on 9/10/2012. m/c 10/3/2012 at 6w5d. BFP next cycle which was a c/p. IUI #1: Clomid 100mg 12/6= BFN. IUI#2 (unmedicated) Jan 2013 = BFN. Hysteroscopy 1/25/13. IUI#3 Clomid 100mg 2/23 = BFN IUI# 4: BFN. IVF #1 April 2013, BFP!  EDD 1/12/14 with Boy!
  • My ER was on Friday and they got 26 eggs and 24 fertilized. RE just called a minute ago and said that there are 10 embryos between 7-9 cells.


    ***************************************Child mentioned********************************************

    Me 28 DH 32

    TTC naturally 05/2011-10/2012= All BFNs

    Nov 2012 Jan 2013 Clomid= BFN

    IVF #1 scheduled for April 2013 Stims started 04/09 ER 04/19/2013- 26 Retrieved and 24 Fertilized 3 day Fert Report- 10 are 8 cell ET cancelled-all embryos arrested at day 3

    IVF #2 scheduled for June 2013 -Transferred 1 day 5 Blast

    07/04/2013 HPT- BFP! Beta 10dp5dt-35Beta 12dp5dt-82 Ultrasound 6 weeks 4 days- Heart rate 123bpm!!

    image  image

    Team Green turned Team BLUE!!!

    Baby M born premature at 33 weeks 5 days, he spent 22 days in the NICU before coming home!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Hi gals,

    Update is I had a craptastic weekend and trying to make the best out of this monday. Pulled weeds in the yard just took a shower and off to the grocery to buy some rotissere chicken to make chicken salad sandwiches! then acupunture at

    Me 34 and DH 39 married in aug. 2002
    Did 5 round of clomid 2010 =BFN
     High levels of NK CELLS DX sept.2012 DOR:# 0.02 
    IVF #1 May 2012  ER 4, EF 2, ET 2 =BFN
    MINI IVF Oct.2012  Cancelled 10-27-12
    Ivf #3 Antagonist Protocol April 2013
    Shared cycle..Donor cycled in July Got 12 eggs 9 fertilized and 8 frozen!!
    DE FET #1 Sept. 3rd 2013 FIRST BFP EVER 5dp5dt
    miscarried Sept 24th at 5 weeks 5 days
    Etopic  D&C and hysterscopy Nov 5 2013
    dx with pre genetic blood clotting dec 2013
    FET #2 Jan 31st  2014 
    Miscarried for a second time again at 5 weeks 5 days
    Currently fostering to adopt an amazing little 1 year old boy..P.J!
    FET#3  is Oct 29th 2014
    BFN on fet #3
    Last and FINAL FET coming JAN 28th 2015
    Everyone Welcome

  • Update:  I started stimming Friday night, so I'm on Day 4!  First monitoring appointment tomorrow morning.

    QOTW:  We're out to a lot of people in our lives, but not everyone.  I wanna put something on FB for NIAW, but because of
    TTC since Sept. 2011
    DX: MFI
    IUI#1 8/2012: BFN
    IUI#2 9/2012: BFN
    IUI#3 10/2012: BFN
    IVF#1 (2 embryos transferred) 1/2013: BFN
    IVF#2 (2 embryos transferred) 5/2013: BFP!!!  EDD 1/24/14
    Beta 1 (5/17) - 66.8 Beta 2 (5/21) - 341 Beta 3 (5/27) - 2771
    1st u/s 6/7 - measuring right on track at 7 weeks with 144 bpm!
    My Local Nestie Besties: JenniferLuvsCandy, MABride0808, thecuddleeffect, MrsHo1030
  • Hi Ladies!

    Looks like I will trigger tomorrow for retrieval on Thursday. I'm anxious to get the eggs out! Not looking forward to progesterone supps. Blahhhh.

    QOTW: I'm very open with my IF and will be posting all week.  

    photo dune-1-1.jpg
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Update: Day 11 of stims, we are slowly moving in the right direction.  I have 5 follies in the 12.5 - 14.5 range, hoping some others will catch up.  My lining looks great - triple layer and 10.5, and RE is happy with the latest E2 of 800+.&nb

  • Had a monitoring appointment this morning and we have 24 follicles measuring between 10-14. RE is lowering my dose of Gonal-F to 112 from 150 and I go back on Wednesday. It looks like I may have a Saturday ER but won't know 100% until Wednesday afterno

    DS born 7/5/2001
    Married DH 2010
    TTC since 2010
    8 IUI and 2 IVF cycles
    BFP - TWINS! - Lost twin A at 17w5d 
    Still pregnant with Twin B!!!! Due 10/16/2014
    Hospital bed rest 5/10-7/20
    William born at 27 weeks and 3 days

  • I decided to cave and POAS today. Today is 6dp5dt. I got a BFP on a Digital HPT. I hope this is a good thing! Fingers crossed and lots of prayers!

    QOTW: We're open with family, friends, and most coworkers.

    **Loss Mentioned**

    Me:34 DH:36
    Married: 4/8/12

    IVF #1 - April 2013 - BFP - Twin Miscarriage at 9 wks

    FET#1 - June 2014 - BFN

    IVF #2 - October 2014 - BFN - one frozen

    IVF #3 - Coming October 2015!

    **PAIF/SAIF Welcome**

  • imagekc91181:

    I decided to cave and POAS today. Today is 6dp5dt. I got a BFP on a Digital HPT. I hope this is a good thing! Fingers

    DS born 7/5/2001
    Married DH 2010
    TTC since 2010
    8 IUI and 2 IVF cycles
    BFP - TWINS! - Lost twin A at 17w5d 
    Still pregnant with Twin B!!!! Due 10/16/2014
    Hospital bed rest 5/10-7/20
    William born at 27 weeks and 3 days

  • rlk2rlk2 member

    Its been a rough few days for me- hormones are turning me into a wacko! had a breakdown at work today because of all the emotions.   My lining is still an 8 and I go in for one more appointment wednesday and hopefully will be ready for transf

    TTC 2 years- Me and DH (28) with (severely) low sperm count- less than 40 total (last 2 SA showed only 5 and 6 sperm each)
    IVF #1: ER 1/23/13- 4 eggs retrieved, 3 eggs fertilized; ET with 1 embryo 1/28/13 2 frosties beta #1 2/5 was 4.8- beta #2 2/7 3.5; BFN
    FET #1- transferred one beautiful 4AA embie. Praying this is my take home baby. Beta 5/7/13- BFFN!!!
    IVF #2: ER 7/17/13: 6R/3F- transferred 1 blast and 1 10 cell embryo 5dt.   Beta hell.  #1 2.5, #2 2.2- BFFFN! REALLY?
    IVF #3: ER 12/1 and only 2 retrieved.  1 fertilized with ICSI.  Was planning on transferring one fresh and one frozen....fresh was only 14 cells at day 5...CANCELLED and devastated due to 5cm blood filled cyst in ovary and blood in uterus.
    IVF #4: Antagonist protocol with endometrial scratch day one of stims.  ER 4/21: 6R/4M/3F- transferred 2 beautiful blasts (5dt) and one was hatching!  No frosties but hoping we won't need it!  Beta 5/4/14- 444(8dp5dt), Beta #2 10dp5dt 1002!  THIS HAS GOT TO BE IT!!!!!!!!!!  First US 5/15 we saw two of the most beautiful gestational and yolk sacs I have ever seen!  

    BRINLEY AND RILEY LONG.  Born November 20, 2014 at 32 wks 3 days.  4lbs7oz and 4lbs5oz.  1 month NICU time for "B's" and growing and feeding.  Now healthy, thriving, beautiful little girls!

  • Not much to report here.  I have a monitoring appointment tomorrow morning and I'm hoping everything will check out OK and I'll get a firm transfer date.

    QOTD: We have been open with friends and family about IVF, but there are a lot of peopl

    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Started stimming on Sat. Next appt is tomorrow.


    Update:  Had my appt after 3 days of stims and the Dr. said I have the follicles of a 30 year old.  Not bad for an old lady at 42.  BOO-YAH! 



  • Argh!  Another month's delay in my world of IF...

    I've developed mild OHSS and had been on the bubble whether to push forward with fresh transfer tomorrow or wait it out and get the fluid out of my body.  


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Hi Ladies! I was out for a 4 day weekend with internet issues at home, so now that I'm on lunch I can post again! I'm still on Esterace and Lupron but after my check up and B/W today they will call me and let me know when I do my trigger and transfer t

  • I'm a little late with my check in, been doing lots of driving for work which keeps me away from the computer.  ER was this morning.  24 retrieved, 20 were mature. The RE only expected to get 16 so we were all pleased.  They will do


    IF, 5 losses, 1 son, 1 on the way.
    fall in love with someone Pictures Images and Photos  photo turtlejpg

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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