1st Trimester

XP: any attorneys here?

I work for a small office: a solo and one other associate plus 2 secretarial staff. I am totally dreading telling my boss. It doesnt help any that we just had a conversation this morning about my billable hours being low lately exhaustion will do that to you!

Anyone else in this boat? Suggestions? Ugh!
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Re: XP: any attorneys here?

  • Yup, guilty! Lucky for me, I am in-house so I don't have to deal with billables, but my productivity is pretty low these days.

    Maybe once you break the news, you can have a conversation about lowering your expected billables during your f


  • I'm not an attorney but I'm a consultant and we work on billable hours so I know how you feel! Plus I have 10 staff that report to me and it's getting very difficult. With all the Dr. appts and blood work I've had done I am out at least once a week. I'

    TTC since Nov 2010 now moving on to Foster-Adopt! All welcome
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  • I'm just really worried he'll think I can't handle my job if he already is worried about productivity. In other words he'll think "so this is why her hours are so low" and then it'll set an expectation for the rest of the pg.
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  • I understand. I'm dreading telling my supervisors. My immediate supervisor knows but she is also pregnant. We are the day to day supervisors at work and we will both be out for 6 wks together. The other supervisors are already freaking out that she is goi
  • Just to let you know your work place cannot fire you while your pregnant,its illegal. 

  • imageamym32:

    Just to let you know your work place cannot fire you while your pregnant,its illegal.&nb

  • I'm in a similar situation, though our office is a little bigger (there are 6 of us plus support staff.)  Are there opportunities for you to flex your hours a little bit?  Maybe break up your days a bit and bill a little in the evenings or ov

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