I work for a small office: a solo and one other associate plus 2 secretarial staff. I am totally dreading telling my boss. It doesnt help any that we just had a conversation this morning about my billable hours being low lately exhaustion will do that to you!
Anyone else in this boat? Suggestions? Ugh!
Re: XP: any attorneys here?
Yup, guilty! Lucky for me, I am in-house so I don't have to deal with billables, but my productivity is pretty low these days.
Maybe once you break the news, you can have a conversation about lowering your expected billables during your f
I'm not an attorney but I'm a consultant and we work on billable hours so I know how you feel! Plus I have 10 staff that report to me and it's getting very difficult. With all the Dr. appts and blood work I've had done I am out at least once a week. I'
Just to let you know your work place cannot fire you while your pregnant,its illegal.
I'm in a similar situation, though our office is a little bigger (there are 6 of us plus support staff.) Are there opportunities for you to flex your hours a little bit? Maybe break up your days a bit and bill a little in the evenings or ov