December 2013 Moms

Told family this weekend...

We told my DH's parents..who were content and happy...not crazy excitement but they are older...told my mom and mom's family at a family party on saturday...lets just say my mom had her own vision of how I would tell her I was pregnant and I didnt meet that expectations! Ugh this lady drives me crazy...but I put her in her place and told her "its not about you. its about me. you already had 3 kids, let me have mine."...after tears we both got over it...and than told my dad over lunch who was perfect and simple..."congrats. I'm so happy for you both." Boom! lol So thats it, we have told the ppl we wanted, and we are letting them know its still early so its not a secret but not for FB either.
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Re: Told family this weekend...

  • imagesuperspecialsnowflake:
    Okay, I'll bite. : nbsp; How did expect you would tell her?

    My question too
  • *** I'll bit too! lol I dont know...she thought I'd call her first??? I think even before my DH, if I know her as well as I do.  I've been thinking about that...maybe she expected this movie moment just her and I. But honestly thats not us...and the
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  • I told her in front of everyone...but her first response was "your what? why didnt you call me?"...well everyone else was "omg!", "congrats!", "how far along are you?"...blah blah blah...the rest of her conversation when "who else knew before me?"
    Our journey together down this new path BabyFetus Ticker
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