1st Trimester

Anyone else have to remind themselves that they wanted this? XP

Ugh, gotta love projectile vomiting, having the most sensitive nose ever, horrible back pain and never wanting to eat. *IwantedthisIwantedthisIwantedthis* Happy Monday!

Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
Married July 2010
DC #1 Oct 2013
DC #2 EDD June 2016

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Re: Anyone else have to remind themselves that they wanted this? XP

  • I am right there with you. I didn't feel like this the 1st time... Just keep telling myself this is what I wanted... lol Hope we both feel better soon!
  • lmao:) Thank you for this...exaclty what I'm feeling today...the "why would any put themselves threw this for 9 months!" lol than I'm like "oh yeah for a beautiful baby after" :/ this morning sickness is getting the best of me and nothing I eat or dont ea
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  • Ugh, my mom asked "Do you know what caused you to get sick??" Seriously? I'm pregnant. But yeah, just one baby sounds just great lol I'm sure I'll change my mind once I forget about this and once I hold my baby.

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

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  • This is completely where I am today! The ALL DAY sickness has got worse in the last week. It's going to be worth it in the end! I am ready for these 7 and a half months to go by!!
  • Amen sistas! I've been feeling so frustrated, as there seems to be no rest for the weary when it comes to all my symptoms.  If its not one thing its another.  But yes, I constantly remind myself that all these things just mean that everything is
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  • I feel the same with my fatigue.  I am counting down the days until second trimester so I hopefully get a lil energy back.  DS who is 13 months is draining me (in a good way! happy and energetic but all over the place).  Hang in there guys
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