So, DH has not been on board with CDing. He supports my decision now, but I do 100% of the diaper changes since we're in cloth.
We're going into week 4 of CDing our 7 month old and he is home sick today with a fever and vomiting. :-( I don't get paid time off, so DH is home with him today. Just him...and the cloth diapers. Part of me feels bad for him...but the other part...the bigger laughing on the inside.
I wish my baby weren't sick, and I did leave DH with instructions to just throw th ediapers in a wetbag and I'd deal with any poop when I got home. But, I'm curious to see how this goes down today. Hopefully, he'll be a CD convert by the end of it and I'll have an extra set of hands "on deck" so to speak.
Re: Baptism by fire
As long as my husband doesn't have to wash them or spray anything, he never had a problem.
His only complaint was remembering where to snap the diapers, but once I showed him how to do the 3 different types of snaps he's been fine with it. 
Yeah, we had the cost break down discussion the other day and he was pretty surprised by it. Even though we used Pampers for 6 months before switching. I think he didn't realize how much we actually were/would have spent. I was