Our newest thing is temper tantrums. If she doesn't get something right away or if we tell her "no" she cries, whines and flails her arms. So that's been fun.
We're also dealing with tantrums. She's been instigating "rough housing" with the other infants at daycare, so we're all waiting for her to start walking so she can move up a room and leave the poor babies alone! She also just started eating o
DD has started tantrums usually ending with her head dramatically on the ground. She throws things and then says uh-oh.
My /Chart; BFP 3/8/11 CP 3/16/11; 7/11 HSG & S/A both clear; Cycle 12~ 50 mg Clomid=BFP 9/9/11, Beta #1=280 & Beta #2=1513,
6w3d hb=122 bpm/ 8w2d hb=186 bpm/12w2d could not hear hb had a 3rd u/s and got to see the hb. 16w2d heard the hb! 156 bpm. A/S 1/3=girl <a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home D
DD has been throwing tantrums for about a month and they are only getting worse and stronger. We have to be very careful because she loves to throw her head back. She is now fighting sleep at her bedtime. It takes me a whole hour to put her down when it u
Cortlan is walking so much now we cannot believe it. She will walk long stretches all by herself. It is amazing!! She is also starting in with temper tantrums...those are NOT so amazing!
Re: May 2012 Babies
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
My /Chart; BFP 3/8/11 CP 3/16/11; 7/11 HSG & S/A both clear;
Cycle 12~ 50 mg Clomid=BFP 9/9/11, Beta #1=280 & Beta #2=1513, 6w3d hb=122 bpm/ 8w2d hb=186 bpm/12w2d could not hear hb had a 3rd u/s and got to see the hb. 16w2d heard the hb! 156 bpm. A/S 1/3=girl
<a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Home D