October 2012 Moms

Saturday morning melt down

I've had a pretty rough week with LO (SAHM) and was pretty tired by last night. Then my LO who usually sleeps through, woke up twice for feeds. So this morning DH offered to take her for a walk when she was due for a nap, because she' ll sleep in her pouch. 

About 5 min after they left, I realized she was due a feed and I burst into tears because how could I forget to feed my child?? I KNOW she has slept through feeds before, and I KNOW he'd bring her home if she was crying, but I just felt like such a bad mom.

They ended up being gone for an hour, and they had a lovely time, and she napped and was happy, but instead of me enjoying the peaceful time, I just sobbed and felt ***. Even when I KNEW it was irrational. Gah. Moan over. 

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Re: Saturday morning melt down

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    Thanks guys. Today was actually a lovely day and I feel much better. Went for a walk on the mountain. DH is very kind and LO is very cute, so all is right with the world!
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