Cloth Diapering

No more fluff?

We aren't done having kids yet, but I just realized that I will be bummed once I potty train the last one and can't obsessively research and purchase new fluff. I didn't anticipate potty training being a bad thing!



Re: No more fluff?

  • I feel this way too. I just hope my friends have babies to I can buy for them :)
    Baby boy H is here! Born 2/1/2014 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mysterious_wife: "And for the love of all things that sparkle, remove your last name" on BOTB.
  • ohmygoodness, your siggy pic is the cutest thing I've ever seen! 
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  • imagecrystaltastic:
    We aren't done having kids yet, but I just realized that I will be bummed once I potty train the last one and c
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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