Baby Showers

question re: baby sprinkle

My Mom & MIL want to throw me a baby sprinkle for my 2nd baby.  I already have a DD and got rid of some stuff bc we moved and DH didn't want to store some bulky items.  Now due in Aug w/a boy and I'll need some new boy stuff. 

I'm not registering anywhere for the 2nd time around...but would prefer to receive cash instead of gifts that I might not need bc our living space is just temporary and on the small side and have no storage plus I really just need essentials items.  How could I let everyone know this is what I prefer?  Any special wording for invites or is this just totally tacky to do??

Re: question re: baby sprinkle

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    Tacky.  Don't want actual presents?  Then don't have a shower/sprinkle.

    And really- if there are things you need, then just register.  People WILL look it up.  

    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

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    Tacky.  Don't want actual presents?  Then don't have a shower/sprinkle.

    And really- if there

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    Tacky. Go out and buy what you need for your kid. It isn't up to other people to fund that for you.
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    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    ~Benjamin Franklin

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

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    Just see what they get you, exchange items you don't really want/need, and get what you actually want/need after the sprinkle.

    There's no way to indicate this to them without being inappropriate.

    Honestly, I'd assume the "sprinkle" gifts ar

    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
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    I have no issue with 2nd showers, I have an issue with asking for money though. Don't do it. You'll probably just get little things like clothes and books anyway.
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    Don't do special wording.

    Whatever you get, you get.  If you don't want/ don't need/ can't use any of the gifts try to return or exchange them discreetly.

    Anything else pack away, pass on to another friend or donate.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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    Most people agree that 2nd showers or "sprinkles" are tacky, and that if you have one, you should keep it modest and limit it to very close friends and family, or people that didn't attend the first shower.

    There is no way to politely broadcast w

    BabyFetus Ticker; Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Thank you all for your advice....

    After thinking about it....its tacky! 

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    Totally tacky to put this on invites. You never outright dictate what gifts a guest should give to you. Ever.

    What would be acceptable would be to politely tell this to your shower hostess and allow her to tell anybody who asks her what specificall

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    You can not ask for money politely. Whether first time or second time mother, you just shouldn't.

    If someone has offered you a shower and you have accepted, you show up and be thankful for anything anyone gives you.  

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    You can NOT ask for money...that is rude.  Did you run this by your mom or MIL...they would know to tell you that you cannot do this.  They should be able to give you proper etiquette pointers.

    BTW...a sprinkle is very small and peopl

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    If I was going to your shower, I would probably buy you a boy outfit and some diapers. Or, if you had a registry, something in about that price range. I don't mind second pregnancy registries, but I have generally seen moms get cheaper, smaller gifts at s
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    Holy crap am I the only person that is holding onto DD's baby stuff because we know we're going to have more than o

    BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    A saying I learned as a child when it came to birthdays/Christmas/receiving gifts that seems to fit most of the situation here:

    Ya get what ya get and ya don't throw a fit...

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    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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    <3 Mama to 2 girls - H&I <3
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    A saying I learned as a child when it came to birthdays/Christmas/receiving gifts that seems to fit most of the

    Me: 32
    DH: 37
    Married: May 24, 2008
    TTC #2 since: June 2020
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