I feel like we've been a peanut butter & honey and strawberry/blueberry rut, so I tried to change it up a little this week. A little! DD's favorites still have to make an appearance. And those were my favorites as a child, so I understand her desire to eat them daily.
Oops! The flag should have read "If you are a WORM, sleep late" - a line from one of DD's favorite poems. The top tier holds ham & cheese sandwiches, pretzel & PB sandwiches, grapes, blackberries and carrots. The bottom tier seals and has fresh mango and a mini fork.
Another homemade pick, with the lines from a sweet song. Mini sealed PBJ sandwiches are separated with silicone "baran." There's also strawberries, blackberries, a Babybel cheese and a few Snapea Crisps.
Elmo! Thank goodness my kindergartener wasn't embarrassed by this! PB/honey sandwich with cheese nose and pick eyes (purchased last year, maybe at Halloween). There's also mini Goldfish, a halved donut hole, blackberries and a Babybel cheese. The side container has chopped strawberries and a fun Cookie Monster-ish pick I found at Marshall's.
Another song that DD recognizes - "All You Need is Love." Sorry for the late-night photography. Olives on a pick, teensy PB/honey sandwiches, ham, blackberries and some strawberry hearts. Hidden in the top half is a chocolate treat.
Tostadas! Easiest lunch ever, and one of DD's favorite meals. Shredded lettuce, tomatoes, refried beans and shredded cheese are the toppings (plus a packet of chewies to keep the cheese in place). I found the knife/spoon in a kiwi package last summer. On top of the bento box, I put a piece of food paper and topped it with a tostada tortilla, and the lid fits neatly on top without crushing it (I can't believe my luck!). I made this because she has envied her classmates making Lunchables pizzas.
PIP your cute lunches here and have a great weekend.
Re: Cute lunch check-in
Your pictures make my lunches seem so inadequate! Love the elmo sandwich BTW, it's is absolutely adorable!
For lunch today DD has homeade mushroom pizza, with blueberries and a graham cracker!
LOVE the pirate and pigs! I've never done a 3 little pigs theme ... hmm ...