January 2013 Moms

Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep Alone

I came across this interesting article about co-sleeping.  Thought I would share for those who are interested :)


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Re: Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep Alone

  • The title looks interesting.

    We co sleep. My side of the bed is against the wall and LO is always over there. I can't imagine trying to get up at night multiple times to feed him. I'm excited to see what this article says.


    Jacob, 1/14/13
  • that doesn't convince me.  It's almost saying bottle fed infants are screwed.

    I bf. I don't think my baby needs to nurse all night long though.  I know she needs to eat once though.  I don't think I'm depriving her because she ca

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  • imageWild_flower25:

    It's almost saying bottle fed infants are screwed.

    Well, I think it's because

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  • Well, now I'm all freaked out about her being in her crib in another room! Ugh. And what is "over wrapping"? DD sleeps doubly swaddled in her crib because she'd be cold and break out otherwise...
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  • Great article - thanks for posting.  I'm an accidental bedsharing mama.  Didn't plan to do it, but it just WORKS.  I get plenty of sleep while breastfeeding, and my daughter rarely cries during the night.
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  • imageReeceFamily:
    Great article thanks for posting. nbsp;I'm an accidental bedsharing mama. nbsp;Didn't plan to do it, but it just WORK
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  • I've actually read this before and find it really interesting, and makes perfect sense to me. Babies don't understand why they should be placed in a huge crib in a dark room alone when all they've ever known is life inside of you. That's an enormous tr

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