Has anyone used this? I'm specifically looking for overnight.
DD2 must have gone through a growth spurt recently. She's now 34 lbs and about 39".
The Alvas we have are starting to look way too small in the rise. (The waistband we're the second snaps in on one side and first snaps on the other side.) The Kawaiis are still okay, but they only go up to 36 lbs. I have two Kissluv's trainers that work, but I'd like to have more than 2 overnight options. We are no where close to being dry overnight.
Do you think the Flip system would work with my hemp inserts put underneath the cotton pad?
Re: Flip potty training system
I haven't used the PT flips, but I will say that you can technically put hemp against the skin if you needed to. Prefolds also go well in flips although LO will feel the wetness. My DS doesn't mind, but every kid is different.