Cloth Diapering

Yikes cold feet!

First I apologize in advance for any typos mobile! I toyed with the idea of cding early in pregnancy then changed my mind later , terrified of messing with that and trying to figure out a newborn. Honestly I'm glad for that, newborns are hard! But now ds is almost 7 weeks old and I am looking at how much waste there is and the cost lets just say I revisited the idea.

I bought 11 pockets and 1 thirsties cover, all second hand I'd love to build my whole stash used! and now I have cold feet! I am reading people's posts about intractable diaper rash and stinky diaper bags and I'm wondering if I'm in over my head! It doesn't help that I don't get much sleep at this stage. I guess we'll see when the diapers arrive!

Re: Yikes cold feet!

  • First, welcome!!! Don't be scared! I'm 3 weeks in and started CDing at 6.5 months, so I have no real advice other than:

    All you can do is try. Also, I think that the same advice given to BFers is applicable here: Never quit on a bad da
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  • I feel the same way! I really want to do this but when I see the posts about stinky dipes or pails it makes me nervous! Sorry I have no advice! I mainly lurk here!
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  • People do come here to troubleshoot their diapers, so you will see posts about those things. Don't let that scare you. On the contrary, it should reassure you that if you do run into trouble, there is a very supportive community here to help you.

  • I started very slowly. I did one cloth diaper a day for a few days to figure out sizing and such. Then cloth all day but not night. And then finally for 24 hours. I love it now (have been cding for about 2+ months; LO is 3+ months). I had some ammonia iss
  • imagefreezorburn:

    People do come here to troubleshoot their diapers, so you will see posts about those things. Don't let that sc

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  • Wow, I'm so glad I posted over here, lots of support! I think the mere thought of taking on anything extra when you're an exhausted FTM with no family around for support is daunting. I have to go back to work May 12 (which I am absolutely dreading, but do
  • Jump in :D Like pp said, its not as bad as it looks! I haven't had any smelly diaper bags or ammonia. I made a mistake prepping and had some repelling, but it was easy to fix. I'm full on addicted now, I love showing off her cute bum. Laundry before solid
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  • imagehaileyq:
    Wow, I'm so glad I posted over here, lots of support! I think the mere thought of taking on anything extra when you're an
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  • imagethemrsbird:
    Powder tide's the only one I've tried but if it's not broken, don't fix it!! Lol
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  • Don't be scared! Just like others have said, you're going to see a lot of problems in these posts because people come here for advice and help. And it totally doesn't have to be all-or-nothing; I cd 24/7 because sposies don't fit DD right and they give he
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  • I started CDing about a month in, and was super intimidated at first. On the first day or two, I was totally freaking out that I didn't like it. I was used to disposables, missed the indicator line, and felt like I'd made a mistake getting all the CDs.

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  • I loved Dropps!  I stopped using them though when Target quit selling them.  I'm just not really an online shopper, so I switched to Country Save.  I absolutely HATED Rockin' Green!!!
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  • I started with the Laundry Tarts, but it doesn't work as well with cold water, and I wanted one detergent for everything. I love rockin green, but its pricy. I use Nellies now and I've had no problems. It works great on all my laundry. I had to use tide p
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