Georgia Babies

Brookhaven UMC - Child Care

Called the director today and she told me they only accept LOs age 1+ and that their is another program the church runs for any child younger than this. I think she mentioned it's called the drop-off nursery? Kind of like a mother's day out? Is this full-time?

Anyone familiar with this?

Their website states that the child care center accepts LOs age 6 weeks +

I'm confused?? 

LO #1 Due September 2013 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Brookhaven UMC - Child Care

  • It is possible they ahve changed things, but when I went to look a little over 3 years ago, they had full time (one program for all ages) starting at 6 weeks. They had a massive wait list though and it is very hard to get in. For the infant classes, sibli
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    James - July 4, 2010
    Sam - June 21, 2012
  • Hmm..we just toured Brookhaven UMC in February for our LO arriving in July.  They have a room for infants (full time) and we are on the waiting list.  I would call again and ask to speak to someone else and set up a tour.  
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