
17hp shot

Hey all, 

I haven't posted on this board before but I just started really looking through the different boards besides my birth month.  I have a previous preterm birth at 31 weeks 3 days and it really just came out of no where, healthy pregnancy, no issues then bam I'm in labor.   My DS is 17 months and he is really doing great, spent 5 weeks and a day in the nicu and he has had no issues since.  Now I'm 21 weeks along with our second and have been getting the 17hp shots since 16 weeks (I've seen em called 17p but my ob calls em 17hp not sure why).  My ob also says they work really well at reducing ptl risk. Just wondering if any preemie moms out there have had a successful full term birth using these shots after a preemie?  Or close to a full term birth?  Thanks!!

Re: 17hp shot

  • Hi there :) I had my first daughter at 35 weeks and she had a lot of breathing issues. They didn't know why after a rather uneventful pregnancy I went into labor early. With my next pregnancy, I got the 17P shots and I was able to go full term at 37 weeks 3 days :) Good luck with everything!


    "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally

  • Yep, that was my first check in. Thanks for the info!

    Edit: I forgot to hit the quote button then couldn't change my response, still figuring this all out.
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  • imageTootermi:
    Hi there : I had my first daughter at 35 weeks and she had a lot of breathing issues. They didn't know why after a rather uneventful pregnancy I went into labor early. With my next pregnancy, I got the 17P shots and I was able to go full term at 37 weeks 3 days : Good luck with everything!

    Oh good! Glad to hear you were able to get further with your next pregnancy. That definitely makes me feel a little better. I know they say the shots work really well but it's nice to hear from someone who has actually gone through it. :
  • I took the 17p shots for my second pregnancy, although I didn't make it full term (it got my LO one more week in the womb). I definitely recommend the shots. I do know other ladies who were on them and last well past their due dates. Praying for you and your LO.



  • Hi and welcome! My DD was born at almost 24 weeks due to spontaneous PTL so I was put on the shots for DS and he was born almost 39 weeks, so they definitely worked for me.

    I took them from weeks 16 to 36.  A few tips: they can make the injection site sore, especially at first, so make sure they alternate hips. The first few weeks messed up my hormones a bit, too.

    Make sure you check with your insurance as to what they cover.

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  • My son was born at 34.5 weeks and I will be 33 weeks tomorrow with my second pregnancy.  I have been getting the shots and so far I am still closed up.  I started pre-term labor with my son around 33.5 weeks so I'm curious to see what happens these next few weeks.

    Good luck.

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  • Thanks everyone!  Glad to hear some good outcomes from the shots, definitely puts me a little more at ease!
  • Congrats on your pregnancy!  I got 2 weeks further this time, but apparently my water spontaneously breaks without any contrax, so I don't think the 17p is totally geared toward me.  But still, DD2 only spent 4 days in the NICU, so it was well worth it!

    Best of luck and I hope you have a FT baby! 

    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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  • My oldest was born 34w6d due to Pprom no idea why. I got the 17p shots with my second pregnancy of triplets and I carried them to 35w3d which is term for triplets. They don't normally due the shots with multiples but we tried it and I think it helped us a lot. 
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