1st Trimester

Feeling Depressed

Don't get me wrong, I'm SO happy to be having a baby. But the past month has been tough. I'm nauseous all the time, gassy, bloated, constipated and just so tired. My life has become so routine. Work, home, nap, eat, sleep. The monotony and the sickness have been really weighting me down.

I am a serious runner and used to run at least 30 miles a week. But I'm just so sick all the time, that even yoga is uncomfortable. I'm lucky if I get one run in a week on a day that I happen to feel good.

Does anyone else or has anyone else ever felt the same? I feel guilty about feeling down and I know as soon as he or she gets here, I'll be so happy to be a mommy. But right now, it's just really hard.

When will I start feeling better? Will I run again?   

Re: Feeling Depressed

  • I was pregnant once before but I MC. During that pregnancy I felt really depressed. I think it had a lot to do with my hormones but it really took away from the pregnancy. This time, I have been doing yoga at least 2 times a week and trying to take wal


  • ...I'm sure you'll run again. It sucks but pretty much everyone feels like crap right now.

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

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  • Hang in there!  The first tri is so tough!  I am also a very active person and it is upsetting to not get to be as active as I would like, but your body is working really hard making another brain, organs, limbs, etc., etc.  Don't be so tou
  • I feel the same exact way. I'm almost 7 wks with my first and I went from working out every morning to being put on bedrest for subchorionic hemorraging and doing nothing. Its literally SO depressing being stuck at home day in and day out. We'll get more
  • Yeah, I think that can be normal, especially those of us who are really sick and cant do our normal activities.  I think back to my prior two pregnancies and the first tri was always kind of depressing.  I mean how can you stay upbeat when feeli
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  • I am just now coming out of my depressed, feel like Shamu all the time, can't seem to sleep enough, phase and am not entering the "if my husband so much as coughs, I may snap" phase. Gotta love pregnancy and all it brings. I keep thinking, 26 more weeks t
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  • I hear ya...but you have to find something to break up the monotony or you'll go crazy. You just have to force yourself to do it and in the end, you'll probably be really happy you did it! 

    I totally understand the running part. I'm a huuuuu

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  • I've been feeling pretty craptastic myself.  My top three have been nausea/vomiting, crazy constipation and feeling like I could fall asleep at any second.  I'm normally a pretty active person but lately it hasn't been that way.  I've been
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