Cloth Diapering


I have one swaddlebees diaper that I received as a gift. The first time lo wore it, it leaked urine out the leg hole. I checked and it seems it's because the liner isn't fully inside the diaper. The seam is right there and doesn't fully tuck. Could this just be a defect or is it operator error? H loves AIO, so I want to make them work.  
If somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.-Douglas Adams

Re: Blueberry/Swaddlebees

  • Is it OS or sized? It could be that your LO is not quite big enough for it yet. Also, in my experience I have found that it takes just a tad of extra tweaking, but you can get the cotton to stay inside rather than poking out at the legs. I usually can get


  • I have the Swaddlebees Simplex 2.0 AIO.  It is like this.  I never really liked it that much when DS was little.  I was always afraid all that EBF poo would fly out the leg holes, lol.  Now I'm glad I kept it because I like it a lot.<b
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  • imageunaveragejane:
    Is it OS or sized? It could be that your LO is not quite big enough for it yet. Also, in my experience I have f
    If somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.-Douglas Adams
  • imagefarmerpinky:

  • imagestoneycakes:


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