

I'm 25 weeks with mono-di twins. I have been seeing an MFM since 13 weeks and getting almost weekly scans to rule out TTTS. Now that we are nearing the end of that risk range, I was feeling more comfortable. However, at my scan last week Baby A's fluid measured above 9 and Baby B was at 7.8. My doctor (who I love and trust) said that he would not be concerned until the fluid levels went above 10 or the difference between the babies became a lot more significant. I go back tomorrow for a check.

 By the way, my boys look great right now and are growing well and moving all the time. I have not had my GTT, but it isn't for a few more weeks. I had read that GD can cause polyhydramnios, but so can a twin pregnancy.

Was wondering if anyone else had experienced this?

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Re: Polyhydramnios?

  • My baby B had polyhdramnios starting at 22 weeks (he was 11).  Baby A also had low fluid (he was 2) so they diagnosed stage I TTTS.  Fortunately it stabilized with rest but baby B stayed around 9 the rest of the time.  It sounds like everyt
  • With my singleton DD, she was at an 8 or 9. I  was just watched a little more closely, more u/s to make sure it wasn't over 10 . Fluid levels have not been an issue with my twin pregnancy. From what I remember with DD, the concern with goin

    6 year old daughter

    Fraternal boys born on May 11, 2013 at 36 weeks 4 days

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  • I am 23 weeks and baby B has polyhydramnios with her fluid level at a 9 and baby A has a low fluid level of a 3. So we have been very carefully watched. The little one's fluid has stayed steady, but the bigger one's fluid is going up.

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