Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Putting LO to bed

How do you do it?

For naps we rock DS and he's usually out within a couple minutes...lay him down and he sleeps anywhere from one to two hours.

Nights we were doing sort of the same thing but we'd put him down still slightly awake and he'd settle himself and his sleep was ok, but lately it's been getting harder to put him down. His eyes will pop open the second you lay him down and he starts crying. Now that he can sit up it's so sad, he will sit there just staring out his crib crying. If I lay him down to rub his belly or something he just cries harder and sits back up so I have to pick him up and rock some more. I know I need to be able to get to the point where I lay him down awake and he falls asleep on his own but I don't know how to do that! The progressive cry it out thing doesn't seem like it'd work well because if I go in he wants to be picked up. But when we let him cry he works himself up so much that however close he was to falling asleep before is out the window because he's wide awake again.

Any advice?! I should add he's 9.5 months old, and he did just get over a stomach bug so he had been much more clingy and needy than normal.

Thank you!!
Mr. & Mrs. UMich! July 2006! :-)
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Re: Putting LO to bed

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    We have a bedtime routine and at the end I give him his last bottle in the dark. Then hold I him for a little while. If he stays there letting me hold him, then I give him a few minutes to get drowsy and then I put him down. However, if he starts

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Married 8/27/2011
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    This is exactly what we do as well...



    We have a bedtime routine and at the end I

    BFP #1 - 04/11/2011 - EDD: 12/22/2011 -Natural MC 5/18/2011 @ 8w6d BFP

    BFP #2 - 08/12/2011 - EDD: 04/21/2012 1st U/S 9/12/2011 - Healthy baby seen -- Heartbeat at 166!

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    We are having the same issue here. Except now that she just learned to pull herself up and walk holding on that's what she starts doing in her crib crying hysterically after her eyes have popped open. If Ipick her up she falls right asleep in my arms. Hop
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    We've always put DS in his crib wide awake after his bottle and story time. When he turned 9 months it started getting harder to just put him down. He would sit up and just cry and look for us. I think it has a bit to do with separation anxiety as well. S
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    We have the same issue. LO has been fighting a cold and another round of teething, so I wasn't sure. It is taking us an hour to1 1/2 hours to get LO asleep the past week. We were on a great routine and it is now shot to hell.

    Good luck. We are s

    JenniAtlanta Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    We follow a very strict regime - bath, lotion, 10 minutes of story time, nurse, and then bed.  He is usually wide awake.  We sing 2 songs, kiss him good night and walk away.  We've been doing this since he was 4 months old (he is now 9 mont
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