

Hi guys! I am not a mommy yet (praise the Lord I am 18 weeks!!! first baby we lost in 2011) but I just have to say I am so encouraged by this site! I was homeschooled my whole schooling life and my husband and I plan on doing it with ours...I ran for school board in my town as I am pretty involved in politics and I have to say I don't think I will ever send my kids to a public school! MOre power to you if you do, but just not for us, especially after being to school board meetings. We want a more Christ based education for our children and want to give them a firm foundation to send them out into the world and I thank my parents every day they gave that me! Keep up the good work you homeschoolers and I will see you here in a few years!!!

Re: Memories

  • As someone who was homeschooled, do you have any advice for us?  What did you like about your experience?  What didn't you like?  Curricula you preferred? 

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

  • Oh boy where do I start! As far as advice I would say become members of the HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association). We rarely had problems, but they helped me when I was trying to get into the military and they would not accept me...finally the Army
  • Loading the player...
  • Here is the link to the HSLDA...

  • Thanks for all of the info!

    We've been using Saxon for Math with DS1 since January and he seems to be liking it, so it's good to hear from someone else that they enjoyed it.

    What state were you homeschooled in, if you don't mind me asking?&

  • I second Saxon math! I used this from 4th grade through Advanced Mathematics and Physics. My mom, bless her, is a math idiot so I basically had to teach myself all of it. Saxon was amazing and had great explanations. I was homeschooled in WI, MN, OK, GA,
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

  • I was homeschooled in WI my whole life! Yeah I loved Saxon cause I was a math idiot...still am to some extent, but my husband is a whiz at it so he will be helping the kids with that lol Like I said ask away if you have more questions!!
  • My brother used to work under Michael Ferris. :) He went to Patrick Henry. 

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Fun to "meet" another homeschooled adult! I was hs from 1-12 grades. What a trip down memory lane, we used all the same books (Saxon, Bob Jones, Abecka). 

    I will chime in and say that home school legal defense is a must. They helped us when

    TTC Since 3/2010
    Me-36, Unexplained Infertility, DH-35, all clear
    Clomid 50mg 12/2011 = BFN
    Clomid 100mg 1/2012 = BFN, with Cyst
    IVF #1 Lupron/Menopur/Gonal-f/HCG Trigger
    ER 4/19/12 = 11 retrieved, 6 fertilized,
    ET 4/22/12 = 2 transfered (day 3), remaining 3 weren't good enough to freeze
    Beta 5/3 = BFP, 87 Beta #2 5/7 560.9 Beta #3 5/9 1376.5 First u/s One Baby, 125bpm!
    Second u/s, 176bmp! Kicked over to the OB by the RE at 8w. Team Green!! 
    Baby girl J arrived two weeks early! Born into water, med-free. Hooray for Team Pink!

    TTC #2 - back to the RE, treatment started 12/2014. 

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