Feel free to skip the vent. If you've used a sitter site to find a babysitter can you recommend one? My ILs voted themselves off the child care island this weekend.
So DH and I went to a matinee of The Book of Morman this weekend and his parents were supposed to come watch DD for us. We asked them to be here at 10am. Sure no problem they said, they finally showed at 11:15. We had been planning to go to a nice restaraunt in our old neigbhorhood but since they showed up so late it left us no time to do so. I told them before we left, DD's got a little bit of a sore throat/cough so if she needs it at nap time you can give her a little of this cough medicine (basically just honey) and some Ibuprofen to help her get some rest.
We call them after the show and his dad gives me this lecture/guilt trip about how she's really sick, they had to give her both meds, the cough syrup didn't do anything. They are the biggest hypocondriacs I've met so they think every time she has a sniffle it's an ear infection/broncitis/death and we need to rush her to the doctor. Ok whatever you're crazy I can live with it for free care and so your grandkid gets to spend time with you.
Then we get home and his mom's like "Oh I saw she was getting a cold sore on her llp so I put some Abreva on it." I was like you did what?? Please don't do that, Abreva's not allowed on kids under 12, please don't use medicine on her unless you know it's ok with us first. (Oh and by the way that "cold sore" was chapped lips from playing outside in the cold this weekend.)
The final straw was that they brought her a gift again and what followed out of it. I know it sounds ungrateful to say that. But literally every single time we have seen them (probably 3 times a month) they have given her stuff for the last 3-4 months. It's not little cheapy things, it's stuff that's 10-20 bucks each time. I don't want her to start thinking that they are only good for gifts and that they need to show up with one everytime. Her birthday is less than 2 weeks away if you wanna give her a gift wait 2 weeks. They are already in major financial trouble and can't afford to be wasting money on silly stuff. So I asked DH to talk to them about stopping with the gifts and he agreed it needs to stop. So he called his mom on Monday and said look we appreciate the gifts but we want her to love you both for you not for the stuff you buy her and we don't want her to think her other grandparents are cheap just because they don't do the same. She got pissed said "Fine we will stop immediately if it's that big of a deal to you" and then hung up on him. Seriously? You are 50+ years old and just hung up on your son, are you 13? Neither of them have called back since and DH is pissed at her acting like she's 5 so he's dug in his heals on calling back. So after all that we are done with them babysitting. The free sitters on the weekend every once in a while are great but not worth the bs.
Re: Recs on sitter sites? and Vent IL babysitting (tl:dr worthy)
I agree that the gift thing isn't that big of a deal, but showing up an hour and a half late is so unbelievably rude. What's the point in having them babysit if you basically have no idea when they're gonna show up?!
Sorry, I have no productive
Yeah I get from the outside the gift thing seems petty and I honestly wouldn't bring it up except that both his parents and mine are in seriously dire financial straights. My parents can't afford to do this for her and I don't want that expe
My MIL is DS's main child care provider. She only watches DS a total of 10 days a month, due to our schedules. However, she has had a lot of things come up in the last two months, that have put us in a bad position.
I am appreciative
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
SO's mom does the same thing. She sees DS maybe once or twice a month and usually always has an outfit or something in hand. They're in a lot of debt...to the point where they lost her mother's house, that was paid off, due to past-due taxes, so now th
I can relate to the hypochodriac grandparent. My dad is a huge worrier and the moment DD coughs in his presence he is beside himself with worry. It drives me bonkers. However, my mother is not a worrier and she raised three children with my father, so