Babies: 9 - 12 Months

3rd day of fever... teething???

LO got a 102 fever on Sunday evening. Since then he has been bouncing between 99 to 102. I just took his temp and he now is at 101. He seems a little crankier than usual and hasn't been eating his solids as well as normal. His nose is also runny. Other than that, he doesn't have any other symptoms... no cough, doesn't seem to be in pain... not sure what's up. Could it be teething? He's been drooling a lot more lately. 102 seems a little high though for a teething fever. I'm planning on taking him in to the Doctor tomorrow if this doesn't clear up.

Re: 3rd day of fever... teething???

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    Sounds viral to me.  In general, teething fevers are a little lower.  I assume those are rectal temps?  If it is viral, sometimes associated fevers can last up to 5 days.  I'd just keep an eye on it and manage accordingly.&nb
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    yes- that's a rectal temp

     I've been giving just ibuprofen... why do you switch between the two?

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    Definitely sounds like the poor guy doesn't feel well! Our LO had a runny nose and fever for a few days...the cough hit him about 3 or 4 days after the first sign of his runny nose. I took him to the pedi because I was worried he wasn't shaking it it had

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    yes- that's a rectal temp

     I've been giving just ibuprofen... why do you switch between the two?


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    My little guy is sick right now :( his temp was up pretty high, 102.5 a little earlier. I went ahead as took him to see the doctor and she said he has a virus. I've been giving A every 4 hours as needed. I feel so bad, he feels like a little ball I fire.
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    My pedi told me that I can alternate between A & T, but can't give both at the same intervals.  Also, she told me this for my 3 year old, not the baby.  Before you give both meds, you should talk to your pedi. 

    It doesn't so

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    Could be roseola?  I think it's day 5 of random fever they break out in a rash, then get better.
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    It's most likely viral. My little ones had a few fevers this winter/spring, and they lasted about 4 days. Our pedi said that we should only get concerned if the fever did not go down with the aid of ibuprofen or acetominophen. Don't become alarmed if he g
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    Is lo sleeping ok at night? Maybe an ear infection?
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    Lurker here and on my phone. My DD just went through that exactly the way you described and it ended up being an ear infection. We're on day 5 of antibiotics and she is my normal happy baby again!
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    Sounds viral. Anything above 101 usually is not teething. I have been advised to alternate Motrin and Tylenol also but I would ask your Dr. We had something like that then rash after 4 days it was roseola. Hope he feels better soon. 

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    We literally just went (or are sort of still going) through this. LO had a fever of 101.9 last Wed.. The fever lasted through Friday and then all weekend his temp wavered anywhere from 97.5-100.4 (which the Dr told us is so low grade we shouldn't even tr
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    I should give an update- LO is feeling much better now.  I think it was a virus.  He had about 3 days of the fever and then the cold symptoms arrived (cough, sore throat, drippy nose, etc)  after a few more days everything cleared u

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