
Keeping siblings busy

How do you keep your younger than school age kids busy when you are working with your homeschooled children? Obviously, some subjects/material can include younger siblings, but with Math or anything else that your child needs one on one attention- how do you keep it quiet and focused with younger ones around?

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February 2011- M/C
March 2011- BFP resulting in... 12/2011 bouncing baby boy! 
October 2013- BFP- M/C

Re: Keeping siblings busy

  • It's tough sometimes.  It used to be easy, because I was only working with my oldest and the middle two would entertain each other.  Now the new baby is here and both of my boys are doing lessons, so my DD1 is often lonely and bored without t

  • I forgot to add - we're reaching the point where some of DS1's work is going to have to be done while the rest of the kids are napping.  That may be the only way to have it quiet enough for him to concentrate.
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  • DD2 colors while we are working in the work books. The problem is now I have to come and "help" her too. Sometimes I will let her play with play dough or paint. 

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

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  • I put together a lot of busy bags for DS2 to play with, and those entertained him for a couple months.  Now, he likes to listen to what we're doing, or I give him some "school work" to do, too (usually a picture to color and a certain color marker. "

    Married to J since 5/05, Mommy to T (10/08), L (08/10) and C (02/13) who was born at home.

  • We haven't actually done this yet, but what I've heard from friends who homeschool (and will be doing as we get closer to a launch date in the fall) is putting together separate "busy boxes" for each child with some fun things (toys, crafts, etc, whatever
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  • Thanks for the tips, ladies! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    February 2011- M/C
    March 2011- BFP resulting in... 12/2011 bouncing baby boy! 
    October 2013- BFP- M/C
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