January 2013 Moms

NBR Nervous T&P's Please

The school system I work in and the one in the next county over received a threat that said 20 students would be killed in 5 different buildings tomorrow.  I won't lie...I'm a little nervous about this threat.  Nothing has really been said to the staff about how our school is handling this which does nothing to ease my nerves.  I do know that patrol cars will be around the schools more.  Just when I thought I had calmed myself down a bit one of the schools had their school sign vandalized and it said:

Sandy Hook was a hoax. *uck the Gov't

Then on the side of the building it said:

Arm the teachers

Seriously...what has this world come to?  I just had to share my nerves with someone besides my DH (he has told me I'm not allowed to go to work tomorrow).   Could you ladies send your T's&P's  for this situation?  I would greatly appreciate it!

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