Okay I hope no one flames me for this...but I need to know if anyone else feels this way or if it's just me. My oldest daughter is three and a half. She has done so well with us bring DD # 2 home, better than I could have imagined. That will probably change once #2 becomes mobile and gets into her stuff, but we will deal with that then. Anyway, sometimes I find myself thinking back to things before baby #2, and I find myself at times grieving my old life with just my oldest daughter. I think it's because now I have to devote so much time to #2 because she is a newborn. I will think about things like taking my oldest out to lunch just the two of us or to the park and I get a little sad and start thinking how it won't ever be that way again. I know that when DD #2 gets older and can interact with her it will be so much better, but for now when I have these feelings I feel like a terrible mom to DD #2.
I love DD #2...it's not that. It's just that life has changed so much for all of us in the past month, and it is still taking a lot of getting used to. Am I the only one, or has anyone else felt this way?
Re: STMs - Hard time with new baby?
I could have written this post today. I cried because I couldn't put my almost two year old to bed last night because baby was nursing.
No advice here, just know that you are not alone!!
I'm with you all too! I really don't have any advice either, but I'm feeling so torn between my 2 girls. Trying to continue the fun relationship I have with my DD1 and find time to appreciate DD2's newborn stage is really difficult. I feel like I'm kin
Totally normal- now that I am on baby #3 I will say that the adjustment from 1 to 2 was WAY harder emotionally for me than this time around (this time around its physically harder since I officially have more children than I have hands haha). To be hon