Did it take you longer to lose the baby weight the 2nd+ time? I know I am only 4 weeks out and it takes time, I know it takes a lot of people way longer to lose the weight. But I gained more weight the first time around (like 15lbs more) and I think at this point I only had like 10lbs to go. The weight fell off last time. The only thing I had to work for last time was that last 10lbs. Right now I still have 20lbs to lose. It's so annoying because I see these friends on facebook who lost the weight so quickly, are wearing jeans a week PP... granted, they wee probably in better shape than I was before pregnancy and didn't gain as much, but damn it is frustrating. I just made the mistake of trying on my jeans... my fat jeans. I couldnt even get them past my thighs. Did they leave a twin in my thighs?! LOL.
I feel like I am going to be wearing maternity clothes FOREVER! Also, I don't really have warm weather maternity clothes and it's starting to get warm! LOL
Anyway, I guess I just wondered if it's harder / takes longer to lose the weight with 2nd+ pregnancies as opposed to first pregnancies...
Re: STM+ moms-weight
Not a second time mom, but it took me a while to lose the weight with my first (I gained 60 lb. during my pregnancy, so had 40 to lose after baby. Yikes!) I couldn't fit in my fat jeans either and cried every day until I went to some discount sto
Yes. The weight fell off the first time. Second time truthfully it never fully came off. I'd get within 8-10lbs and then let some creep back on.
Up and down, up and down these last 4 years. It's certainly not pregnancy wei
I hear ya. With DD the weight fell off and I was back to PP size at a month. This time around, I still have 15lbs before I reach PP weight. I gained around the same amount of weight for both kids, around 40lbs.
I EBF too and heard that some women
"Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae
Yes, it was definitely slower the second time around but it came off and then some. Not what you want to hear but it took a lot of time-it wasn't until over six months until my hips shrank and over a year until my body got closer to what it was like pr
This time I gained 26 lbs. I lost 20 lbs b