
Anyone get AF type cramps and later get a BFP?

I had FET on Friday and on Monday night, Tuesday and today I have had AF type cramping.  I had the same kind of cramping when I was pg with DD from IVF a few days after transfer I am just wondering if this is a sign of BFP or just a fluke.  If your did have BFP with cramps how long after cramps ddid you POAS and get a BFP?  I want to test but know it is probably to soon.  TIA . 

Re: Anyone get AF type cramps and later get a BFP?

  • I had bad cramps before getting my bfp. ?Good luck!
  • I had such bad AF-like cramps the night before I POAS that I went out and drank half a bottle of wine sure that I wasn't pregnant.  I was shocked to see two lines the next day.  Good luck to you!
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  • I didn't have cramps until AF was due. I actually thought I was starting. It was Dec 23rd- I was 13 DPO. I continued to have some cramps until the 26th and then they stopped. I still thought I was going to start, but when the 28th came and I still hadn't started, I tested. Oooooooh yes BFP.
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
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  • I had back cramps (AF sign) for 2 days before BFP.  GL!!
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