
Provera side effect??? (ticker warning)

I just thought that I would ask here too.  There doesn't feel like there is a lot of people on the SIF board at times. 

I just started taking Provera last night and when I woke up this morning the left side of my face and upper left arm are numb feeling.  I slept on my left side the entire night.  It's been two and a half hours and they still feel the same.

I did call the Clinic and told them about it and they said it wasn't from the Provera and to call them back if it gets worse. 

What should I do now?  Do you think it is just from sleeping on my left side the entire night?

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Re: Provera side effect??? (ticker warning)

  • I don't take Provera because I do have allergic reactions to it... I break out in itchy hives. I haven't heard of numbness as a side effect or an allergic reaction, but I'd definitely call a pharmacist for another opinion. Fwiw, my doctor also thought it
    Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
  • I've taken provera many many times and I've never had any numbness. I would definitely call back if it gets worse. 
    Me: 29 DH: 32 Married: 10.25.07 Been dealing with amenorrheoa since I was young. (Literally go years w/o AF) Unexpected and very surprising BFP in Feb 2007. M/C April 2007. :( TTC since 2008 Metformin- Didn't help. :( Clomid 50mg/Provera cycle #1 7/2009 - BFN Clomid 50mg/Provera cycle #2- 8/2009- BFN Clomid 100mg/Provera cycle #3- 1/2010- BFN ...Took a break... 2012- Met with RE 09/12- Day 3 Labs- FSH 2.5, Estradiol 47, TSH 4.5 (Doc re-ordering Day 3 labs) DH sperm analysis- all good 11/12- Day 3 Labs- FSH 4.3, estradiol 38, TSH 2.51 Prescribed Synthroid 11/12- HSG all clear 1/13- IUI with Femara and trigger shot on 1/31- BFN 2/13-IUI #2- cancelled due to low response 3/13- planning IUI with injectables
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