Cloth Diapering

Wet bag/diaper pail recs

Can anyone rec a good wet bag for on the go that keeps the smell in and doesn't leak? I was considering either planetwise or fuzzibuns. Also for the actual diaper pail at home I plan on using a regular trash can with a lid but what would you rec for the diaper pail liner? Planetwise? I have also heard good things about the fuzzibuns hanging wet bag, is it possible to use this as the diaper pail liner? TIA!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers.
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Re: Wet bag/diaper pail recs

  • We love our planetwise wet bags.  The medium size is great for daycare - fits about 6 pockets and washcloths.  I use the small size to keep my breast pump parts in the fridge at work... it would probably only fit 1, maybe 2 pocket diapers.</p

  • I love planetwise bags. I have one in my diaper bag and a wet/dry one in our bedroom, no smell from either. In the nursery I have a drawstring applecheeks pail liner hanging from the change table. Occasionally if the door is shut for a while the room gets
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  • I like my Kangacare bags.  I have a regular trash can with a lid, but I leave the lid open so that air can circulate and prevent stink/ammonia smell.


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  • we use planet wise. i have the wet/dry bag for our diaper bag that is awesome. we have a regular trash-can with a flipup lid in LO's room that I bought at WalMart- I put the large planet wise bags in the trashcan and works well for us. Use some baking pow
  • Planet Wise diaper pail liner (used 2 in rotation for 13 months, always dry in the dryer and they are still in excellent condition).  Planet Wise medium wet bag for daycare diaper bag.  Planet wise wet/dry bag for when we are out and about.</

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