May 2012 Moms

May 2012 Babies

What are they up to and in to this week?

I love how aware she is getting about everything and the way she decides to interact with stuff. Watching the wheels turn in her head makes me realize how close we are to not having babies anymore!

She's figured out our animals personalities and who to play with and who to leave alone. Not that any of them have ever reacted poorly to her, but the youngest cat runs away so she doesn't bother with her. The big dog never takes food from her so she's given up trying to feed him but always feeds our small dog; it's basically "one for you, one for me..." at snack time if I'm not watching them.

She loves having her hair brushed and will sit totally still. Then if I stop she'll take the brush and try to brush her own hair, and then try to brush the fluffy cats hair.If she sees laundry on the floor of the bedroom she'll pick it up and drag it over to the hamper and put it in, so she's TOTALLY been watching me lol. She wants to mimick and "help" with everything!

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Re: May 2012 Babies

  • I love how your LO already knows what to do with the laundry! Lol.  Our LO just started crawling a couple weeks ago so he is all over the place.  He likes to take the DVD's out of the entertainment center.  He is fascinated with lamps, ligh
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  • She is finally, truly crawling! Yay so excited. I love when they become Mobil on their own. She had started talking and has a handful of words now. My favorite are kitty, ta da, hey!, and she calls herself memma. Very cute. I am in complete shock that sh
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  • l.o. is now walking. Ouch. mobility kind of sucks... she also loves being pulled in her wagon. We tried milk today. organic, whole... she took about 5 oz. I was happy with that!
    can't believe it's almost may 2013!
  • LO is cruising the furniture like a champ, crawling everywhere she can't walk, says about 6 words, and gives the best open mouth drool kisses! She also has one tooth now with a second one close behind. she follows simple instructions like arms up or li

  • It's really interesting to see how babies develop in different areas.

     My little boy has been walking for a couple of weeks so he's getting better at that.

    He is starting to repeat things we say like "do dooooo" for "cck a doodle d

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