January 2013 Moms

Checking in... Who is here? And small vent lol

Lo was being fussy around 6, so I fed him and put him in bed. He is still sleeping and it's aroun 9:30 now. I'm secretly hopeing he sleeps all night because I feel so imcredibly sick. I thought it was allergies, but I'm so congested, my throat hurts and my whole body just aches! I slept in the other room last night because every time I cough, sneeze or blow my nose I feel like I'm going to wake lo up. My hubby doesn't like tht at all, and I don't either because it seems like when lo and hubby are alone lo wakes up a lot more often, and when hubby is gone and its only lo and I, lo wakes up once during the night. 
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Re: Checking in... Who is here? And small vent lol

  • 3:30am

    This is Cole's 3rd wake-up, and he has not been going back to sleep easily. Not a good night.

    Sorry you had such an awful day previous poster. LO is a cat-napper who rarely naps more than 20 minutes at a time, so I can't relate there

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  • Just for fun .....




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  • 5 AM...
    LO is still sleeping but I woke up with the boobs feeling like they were about to EXPLODE! Hubby and I stayed up late playing Wii bowling, which we haven't done in years, so I'm running on 3 1/2 hours of sleep. I seriously feel for you ladie
  • Had a bad night last night and Dd only napped for an hour yesterday!! But it's 445 and she's still asleep and she went down at 930 :) this is the longest she's ever slept! But I had to wake up to pump :/
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