Baby Names


Honest thoughts on this name for a boy? We are thinking Garron James. It's Irish from what I can tell in mt google searches.

Re: Garron

  • I prefer Garrett. But it isn't terrible.
  • imageJamieMichelle12:
    I prefer Garrett. But it isn't terrible.


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  • Honestly, I don't like it. And I agree with PP. Garrett James would be a much better choice.

    Mr. & Mrs. - Est. 10.03.2009

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  • Do not like at all. Garrett or Gareth [Welsh, and much more uncommon if that's what you're going for] are much better IMO.

    Eta: Wikipedia says a garron is a term used in Ireland and Scotland for a type of pony, usually an 'undersized and much

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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    Do not like at all. Garrett or Gareth [Welsh, and much more uncommon if that's what you're going for] are much
  • I have a good friend named Garren.  When I first met him I thought he was saying Garrett and I know he gets called Garrett a lot.  I like the name though, and he is a pretty cool guy so it is a good association for me.
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  • I've seen it spelled Garin. I like it.
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