January 2013 Moms

Moving from RNP to Crib

If your LO started off sleeping in the RNP, how and when did you move to the crib? Dd sleeps very well at night typically in her RNP, but I know we should start thinking about moving her to the crib. How did it go for you when you did this? She still naps on me in the carrier (which I love actually, so I'm not rushing to work on naps in the crib just yet since I only have a few weeks left with her at home before we start daycare). So since she is used to night sleep on her own in the RNP, I want to work on that transition to the crib first before naps. Thanks!
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Re: Moving from RNP to Crib

  • JHBWJHBW member
    I tried it... For us it was a disaster. He was down for the first 30 minutes, then he woke up every ten minutes needing to be soothed and rocked back to sleep. After 4 hours I gave up. I haven't tried it again. I keep saying I should, but he sleeps so
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  • I'm honestly kinda terrified and dreading the transition. I've got her to nap in her crib a handful of times and it lasts no more than 10 minutes.

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  • I tried as well. He slept about 6 hrs but then I had to move him to the RnP after an hour of trying to get him back to sleep in his crib. He normally sleeps 11 to 12 hrs in the RnP so I'm going to keep trying it once a week until he's able to STTN in his
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  • I just did this. DD had been in her RnP for about 2 months, and one night I just decided to give it a try. I followed our normal routine, and once she was good and asleep, thought that was best for our first try, I put her down. The first two nights she m
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  • We made sure to use a swaddleme or a sleep sack, as the big difference with the RnP and the crib is the closeness they feel.
  • imagekatiebird1127:
    We made sure to use a swaddleme or a sleep sack, as the big difference with the RnP and the crib is the closene
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  • We transitioned LO to her crib at 3 weeks and she did just fine. We do have her in a positioner on her side because she has reflux do I don't know if that helped or not. She sleeps in a crib just fine at daycare too. We do swaddle and use white noise b
  • DS was STTN in his RNP...he had a really bad cold and congestion for like 6 weeks so that's why he was in the RNP instead of the PNP. We have been trying to get him into his crib....but it's not going great either. He will go down around 7:30 or 8:30pm

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  • I did this last night for the first time. Lucy has been STTN from about 9:30-6:30 for two weeks in the RnP, so I wanted to give the crib a try. She sleeps swaddled in a miracle blanket, so I wrapped her up like normal. I stuck a thick blanket under the

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