Cloth Diapering


 Has anyone heard of this stuff? I found it at CVS in the first aid section.  marketed as a vaseline alternative i think.  It has Soy oil, beeswax, vitamin E oil, and rosemary oil.  Is that stuff safe for CD's?
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Re: Waxelene?

  • Their website says "works great with cloth diapers too". So let me rephrase my question: has anyone used it?
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  • I asked this same question last fall and heard crickets chirping ... 

    I did get a small jar to try out but haven't yet. In general we have used less cream as DS has gotten older. Doesn't seem to need it as much. I might try it on his eczema

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  • I haven't heard of it, but I'm definitely going to have to find it now! We're using Vaseline on DS's eczema and I'm soooo paranoid that he's gonna Houdini it into his diapers!
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