
Tantrums- advice for a friend

So I would normally never do this but I have a good friend who is absolutely desperate for advice so I figured I'd see if anyone has any experience with this. Her little boy just turned one and he is throwing tantrums. Hair raising, blood curdling, terrible tantrums. She said it was so bad today that he started gagging and it went on fir 25 minutes. On top of that he whines, all day long. If he eats he stops for a moment, then whines after he finishes a bite. She said its all day everyday. She's losing her mind and thankfully I don't have experience in this department so don't know what to tell her. She's worried that maybe something is wrong with him, medically, emotionally, who knows but she's beating herself up over it too big time. Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences to share? TIA. 
Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Tantrums- advice for a friend

  • cadencaden member
    Has he always been a bit difficult or is this a new thing? I think it's possible that he could just be going through a difficult phase, or he could be sick/teething, or he could have a developmental issue. IMO she should ask her Pedi to see if they can ru
  • I am going through this phase too! I am ready to pull my hair out!!!! Is she a SAHM? I have found that I have been spoiling DS up until now, he is so used to getting what he wants. Now that he is trying to communicate more but I still cant understand



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  • imagesmscartozzi:
    I am going through this phase too! I am ready to pull my hair out!!!! Is she a SAHM? I have found that I have
    Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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