
? for those who have CD.

I am asking this here instead of my BMB because I think there are more moms with older children that could help.

I didn't cloth diaper with my first DD, but I have been going back and forth on wether it would be the right decision to do so with this DD.

I BFd DD1, and man, when she was little bitty the poop was awful. It was the kind of poop that went all the way up her back multiple times a day. I am wondering if CDing is better for that kind of poop or not.

Also, I am wondering about the start up cost. Can anyone give me a real number on this? I'm not even sure which kind of cloth diapers would be best to use. Really, I need a complete run down on how this works, with the whole spraying, washing, and whatever else comes with it.  I also wonder if it would be to much to take on with my DH being gone 6 weeks at a time and a 3 year old.

Re: ? for those who have CD.

  • The odd time I used sposies with DD when she was EBF'd the poop would run up her back and out her legs. When she was EBF'd we used kissaluvs fitteds with a cover and they contained that stuff like nobody's business. Way better. The fabric was kind of p


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  • I CD;d Rosie as a single working parent. It's not that difficult. At first all poop is water soluble. So I just put all of Cade's dipes in his wet bag and dump into the washer. Once you introduce solids you will have to spray, plop, or scrape the poop

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  • Thanks so much for the info:) 

    The thing that was making not want to do it as much was the spraying them out, but if I don't even have to worry about that until solids it makes the decision to do it a lot easy. 

  • imageMrsLafferty25:

    Thanks so much for the info:) 

    The thing that was making not want to do it as much was the spraying

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  • I have never once had a blowout with a CD.  I BF as well and it was no issue at all.  Plus, you can totally wash that poop so no plopping poop for 6 months!  Start up cost can really vary from $200 to over $1000+ if you really get addict

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  • I just started CD like a month to a month and a half ago. I have wasted some money on trying different dipes that didn't end up working for us. But it was my fault most of the time. Most AIO and OS diapers only go up to 35 lbs and DD was already over t

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  • I have a complete stash for sale if you're interested. Just PM me.
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  • In my experience blow outs only happened when C was in a disposable diaper (and almost exclusively happened on the way to daycare every.single.morning.)  We use prefolds and covers until she was about 6 mos and then used Kawaii's.  I preferre

  • I exclusively CD'd DS up until the day the guilt set in because my gram had bought me a case of NB diapers... I used them for a few days until we went to a lamaze reunion class. Off we went to show off our adorable DS to the people we went through Lama

  • We CDed DD from about 7 weeks on (once she fit in the One Sized Diapers we bought) - about 15 months.  I also EBF and honestly had MAYBE 2 blow outs the entire time she was little, it was honestly a pretty forgien concept until we switched to disp

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  • kj07kj07 member

    We started CDing our son when he was about 5 weeks old; we mainly use one-sized pockets.

    In those newborn days he rarely had a blowout in cloth, but he had frequent blow-outs when he was in disposables.   We did have more urine leaks down th

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  • The only thing I would add is that you can use Craigslist to buy good used diapers.  Be picky and watch for good prices, look them up online before you buy so you know if you're buying a $6 diaper or a $20 diaper.  My wife recently picked up 20
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  • I haven't got much to add except - you can sell your used CDs. I've made *at least* half of my money back since DS potty trained. 

    I only spent $30 in Country Save (for our detergent) the entire 2.5 yrs we used CDs. Not once did we have a bl

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  • Our CDs contained BM poop way better than dispoables. In fact, a friend of mine switched to cloth when her son was about 12 months because he was exclusively BF'd (can't eat solids due to a GI condition) and the disposables for toddlers could no longer


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