We just found out that we are expecting #2!!
DD1 is Noelle Marie (Green) and we are starting to come up with a list for this little one.
We pretty much agree on boys names, so that isn't an issue- girls names is another story.
The only option that DH will come up with (was the same with DD1) is Elizabeth. I really don't want to use it as a FN, but would love it as a MN (it is my MN) but he refuses- so we are at a stand-still there.
Other options:
Margaux- my mother told me it sounds like an old lady name and I kinda agree. Thoughts? I do love it though.
Liesel- DH was on board (German for Elizabeth) until he decided it was "too German". Both of us are over 75% German... but we'll see.
Isabel- DH likes it (another form of Elizabeth) but it is too popular for me.
Caroline- LOVE LOVE LOVE this name. MIL is Carol though, and I DO NOT want this baby named after her. Too close?
Nora- DH isn't on board
Greta- I love, DH doesn't, and doesn't think it sounds right with our last name.
Victoria- not sure
Violet- LOVE, but Violet __________ Green is too weird, right?
We're looking for any opinions or comments. Please be honest!
Re: Margaux?
Of the names you listed, I think Victoria goes best with your LN.
As far as Margaux, even though I know it is pronounced Mar Go, I want to say Mar Gox.
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Not a fan of Margau
I like Margaux, it is pretty, feminine, familiar yet uncommon.
I also like Elizabeth and Victoria.
I think Elizabeth would be a nice MN with either Margaux or Victoria.
As nice as Violet is, I would avoid it if you have a color
Margaux - I like it, but I prefer Margo or Margot as the spelling. Margaux just seems fussy to me.
Liesel - I like it!
Isabel - boring/popular
Caroline - love, but I wouldn't do it if your MIL is Carol
Nora - probab
I actually love Margaux Elizabeth from your list. Have you seen the movie Despicable Me? The three little girls in that movie are Margo, Edith and Agnes. I think those names look so cute on those girls. Maybe "old lady" names are coming back?
I love Margo (a top contender for this baby, with full name Margaret), and I even like Margot. But I just can't support Margaux, even if it is legit. It looks/feels so... fussy? I'm not sure exactly the word I'm looking for, but yeah, me no likey. </
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
I like Victoria, Liesel, Margaux, and Greta.
I think my favorites would be Victoria and Leisel. I like Greta but feel that it is more of a NN.
I think my least favorite is Violet (with LN Green).
How? I'm aware kids will find almost anything i
Of course, I prefer Margo!
I do like Leisel & Greta a lot!
Speaking on behalf of all Margauxs with that spelling, Margeaux with an ?e? is ABSOLUTELY wrong wrong wrong. If you speak French, the pronunciation for that would be Mar-zhyoh. That ?e? would make the ?g? soft and the name would sound completely differ