Cloth Diapering

Thinking of CDing

I am expecting twin boys In June, and am thinking of using cloth diapers. I CD'd my oldest 20 years ago for a few months when diaper pins were still used. I understand CD's have come a long way since then. I don't want to spend too much these will be my last babies.

What do I need to be stocked up on or at least bare minimum to get started. And had anyone tried the Alva diapers?? I see some mixed reviews on the net.

Your input is much appreciated!

Re: Thinking of CDing

  • I used 24 osocozy infant prefolds and 5 thirsty duo wrap size 1 covers for dd as a newborn till 11lbs. Then switched to exclusively alvas and love them!! I strongly suggest buying their 4 layer bamboo microfiber inserts though instead of using the MF inse
  • Ok, thx! I certainly love the price, and all the colors and prints too! Did you order direct from China, or use a 3rd part to purchase them
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  • I don't use Alvas, but my SIL loves them.

    Even an expensive stash is cheaper than disposables.  I have a lot of brand name AIOs and pocket diapers and they will still be about 1/2 of the cost of disposables.

    For twins you may not need


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  • I think I like the kawaii pure and natural. I took a look at green mountain diapers, and the newborn prefolds looked so bulky on the baby. The prefolds look like they would be the most economical, but complicated. I did take a look at the GMD site but
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