Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Enfamil powder darker than usual?

I recently bought some Enfamil Infant formula at Sam's Club and noticed it is darker than usual. The powder is a tan/orange color instead of the usual off white. I have always fed DD this kind of formula and have never noticed a difference in color until today. I usually buy her formula at Target or Wegmans in smaller packaging than Sam's Club offers.  At first I was concern that the formula has spoiled, but the expiration date is not until June 2014. I considered contacting the company, but then realized I am probably over reacting. This is probably a dumb question, but has anyone else noticed a variation in color?
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Re: Enfamil powder darker than usual?

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    I don't use it so can't comment on that, but I would definitely contact the company before using. Why risk it?
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    Exchange it.
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    What they said! I'd call.  They might reimburse you extra for your trouble.
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    I BF, so I don't have real experience with this, but my first thought reading this is that it may have oxidized or gone rancid. I personally wouldn't use it.

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    Thanks everyone! I contacted the company and they are sending me a replacement as well as a mailing label to ship the formula back so they can test it. They said a little variation in color is normal but usually no darker than light beige. Their customer
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