Cloth Diapering

Looking for a quality Etsy/WAHM

I've been buying all little girl stuff so far, but my nephew was born yesterday and I want to buy him an adorable print as a gift.  My SIL is already committed to CDing, so I'm not trying to convert her at all, she just bought all gender neutral dipes and I thought it would be a special gift to give her a really "boy" CD.  


TTC #1 2+ Years with Unexplained IF
1st & Only BFP: 1st IVF w/ ICSI, 3dt of 2 7-cell, grade 2 embryos on 8/25/12
Beta #1 9/5: 87.2 BFP! - Beta #2 9/7: 248 - 1st US @ 6w3d Two Heartbeats! - MoDi Girls!
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