We have several BumGenius 4.0s, some Fuzzibuns and a few other OS diapers I got off Zulily that I don't remember the brand. I'm also thinking about doing a trial through Jillian's Drawers.
I know every baby is different, but at what age do you think I can expect to start putting him in cloth and when should we start our trial with Jillian's? We have opted not to do cloth for the newborn phase, since one of the only ways I could convince DH to CD was with the argument that the investment in cloth diapers would last until he's potty trained. So we agreed to do disposable until he fits in his CDs.
Re: How soon did your LO fit in OS diapers?
We use Mother-Ease one size (8-35lbs). We started using them when her umbilical cord fell off (on day 7). She was somewhere between 8 and 9lbs.
We've never had a leak and she poops 12+ times a day and has major pees. My husband
Newborns go through a TON of diapers. In retrospect, it would have been cheaper to get some NB prefolds and covers and skip disposables entirely, which is what I'll be doin
BFP 8.14.15 ~~ Due 4.22.16
First of all, if your husband doesn't want to waste money, convince him to buy a newborn stash too. My DS went through about 12 to 16 diapers a day the first few weeks. For not much money at all, you could buy prefolds, 4 to 6 newborn cover