So we went to court today for Butter Bean. We have been in court A LOT with this placement and it seems that things change dramatically from hearing to hearing.This leaves us very nervous since quite literally anything could happen- even things that we previously had no clue were possible.
So today- nothing happened. Ugh! Well, actually they set another court date. So we are back to the waiting game, which has just been so painful. I would think most of the times that you go to court for a foster child you know what outcome is most likely to happen. But with this one, even with all of our time in the courtroom, we still are left clueless. I really hate the unknowns.
Re: Update on Court Today
We have adopted 2 children through the Foster Care System. We are currently fostering a third child, a little 2 year old boy. He came to live with us in Feb 2012. We were told he was pretty much a sure thing since both parents voluntarily relinquished