Hello, I am in need of some advice regarding my MIL.
LO was born at 29 weeks, micropreemie. She is home now and doing great. MIL watches her part time during the week at our house since me and DH are both working now.
I noticed yesterday that LO had a little runny/stuffy nose, and a slight cough. This morning, MIL is at our house, and tells me she's been feeling like she's been getting sick lately. My mind goes straight to LO, and why is she caring for LO knowing how she has been feeling lately, and knowing LO's history?!
I don't know what to do in this situation. Anyone have something similar happen and what did you do?
Re: MIL situation
It is great that your baby is doing so well! As for your MIL - is she only feeling off, or is she exhibiting symptoms of illness? Do you have anyone else who can provide care? My decision would be based on these factors. Your baby could have gotten sic
I tell people who help me that if the think they have a cold don't come over. Even of they think is allergies, bc the beginning of a cold is when it is more contagious.
To wash hands frequently, wear a mask, If they still need to care for t