Just an update from my previous post on pulmonary hypertension, my little peanut former 24 weeker who is now 34 weeks who is 3 pounds 11 oz still in nicu obviously, doesn't have Ph right now but does have equal pressues which one is suppose to be higher than the other in the heart, but she will develop it sooner or later if her PDA isn't ligated. So to make a long story short, she needs it ligated with in the next week or so. We are scared out of our minds and so very sad bc she will need to be re intubated , stop feedings etc. it will be heart breaking to see my little one so hungry! But we know this is for the best! And it's a short surgery, I watched it on you tube already. Does anyone have experience with ligation, how long they r usually intubated for I know it depends on the baby but generally how long for , how long feeds are stopped, when they usually start them again , how long is recovery time usually etc! Much appreciated
Re: PDA ligation