After asking if LO was getting constipated a couple days ago, he finally started pooping. 3 changes worth in one change. All ploppable.
Then today, he has been emptying out the system. I was expecting to need to use disposables for running out of prefolds as I have 6Bummis, 6 Osocozy, 6 of another brand while I figured out which brand and size fit best. I have 4 covers in 3 different brands as well. Today I had to put him in disposables cause he got all four covers dirty in a very short time period. Have plenty of clean prefolds though.
So, on an ordinary day, is 4 covers enough, or should I be looking to add more of those as well?

I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
Re: not what I expected
How are you folding the prefold? If you can contain the poop in the prefold, you can reuse the cover.
Look up a couple of folds and try a few and see what works for you.
Also, if you're going to stick with prefolds and co
Fortunately, the poops he had are the same kind that caused diaper blowouts on the kids at the daycares I used to work at and they're not his normal poops; and hoping they don't become his normal. I'm just happy that all I have to wash
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
After reading the responses I realized I was making one error -- I wasn't pulling the prefold up snug enough so there were huge gaps around his legs that the poop was able to get out of when it was that soft, especially true in the larger (infant?) siz
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook