I am making dinner (roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas). Going to crack open a bottle of wine. It's a chardonnay, fancy kind. I'm trying to talk DH into watching The Hobbit.
I'm here. Debating on the WMs board how putting my child in a house with locked guns is not the same as putting him in the car. I'm anti guns in the house with small children. ETA- with my children, I don't care what you do with yours!
We just finished dinner. I turned on YGG so I could chill because I had a horrible day. All I want to do is lay down in a dark room and sob but I have to be happy and spend an hour with my kid because it's the only time I get to see him all week.
Here. DH just got the LO down and we are watching counting cars. It is more of DH's show. I don't mind/actually like quite a few of his shows but I just can't get into this one. I have a migraine that is breaking through my prescription strength migraine
Present! Just got back from hanging with my girlfriend down the street. DH stayed home with DS while I got to have a mommy timeout and shared a bottle of wine with my friend. It was definitely nice to have a little break! When I got home, DH claimed that
Im here and sleepy. DS is in bed. DH is working late. Im gonna clean up and maybe have a snack. If I dont pass out, I may watch last nights teen mom on the dvr.
First we had eachother.5.27.11
Then we had you.6.16.12
Now we have everything.
Re: Roll Call!
We are suspecting DS2 has some sort of rice allergy/sensitivity/intolerance. After he has anything with rice in it, he vomits it back a
DS2 August 2012
I'm here. Debating on the WMs board how putting my child in a house with locked guns is not the same as putting him in the car. I'm anti guns in the house with small children. ETA- with my children, I don't care what you do with yours!
Dh is work
We just finished dinner. I turned on YGG so I could chill because I had a horrible day. All I want to do is lay down in a dark room and sob but I have to be happy and spend an hour with my kid because it's the only time I get to see him all week.
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
For you, Nana
First we had eachother.5.27.11
Then we had you.6.16.12
Now we have everything.