
c/s doctor--who to choose?

I'm having a repeat c/s with this LO, due in October. Today I was at the office for my regular check up and I met a new doctor (who I loved). She asked me who did my c/s when I had DD and who I wanted to do the c/s. I was caught off guard bc I didn't really think I had a choice. She told me to think about it.

There are 6 doctors in the practice. The 3 youngest ones are all female and I love all 3 of them. However, one of the older, male doctors did my c/s with DD and he did a fabulous job. Everything went well and my scar is pretty much non-existent at this point (2.5 years later).

So, WWYD? Pick one of the newer doctors (all between 35 & 40) or go with the old guy with not-so-great bedside manners but AWESOME skills? 

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